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Who I amReside in St. Louis Missouri currently, Lived in California & Colorado.Husband.Father.Pastor.Football Enthusiast.Teacher.Learner.Dreamer.Reader.Friend. [thoughts & comments blogged here are my reflections living life trusting Jesus as God]

Monday, January 30, 2012

Books, Books & More Books

My reading list is no joke 21 books deep.  I have books about Psychology, Theology, Philosophy, Marriage, Parenting, Football, Leadership & Money.

I like to read, but I don't always make time for it.

A subtle life challenge for 2012 for myself is creating daily time to read.  I desperately like to learn and believe reading is a way to help nurture that craving for myself.  Many people i know wish they were "less busy" so they could read more.  I got to thinking how can I create more time to read so I gave myself a little test over for 4 hours one day.  

The test was to see how many minutes I could have read instead of "_____________".  I discovered that over the course of 4 hours I felt i wasted or misused roughly 35minutes.  So I then took 35minutes as reading before I could move on to anything else.  Because of that I didn't finish one task & had to stay up a little later at night to accomplish it.  For every action there is a reaction principle.

A great part of this so fas has been trying to test myself here & there and I keep finding myself staying a little more on task to free up some reading time.  I'm not trying to set aside uninterrupted hours to read, but steal 30-45minutes here and there.  By the end of the week it'll all add up.

So as I finish books I'll post a few thoughts from each book on my blog to let you into what I read over the next 12 months.  I don't know if I'll read all 21 books, but we'll see.

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