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Who I amReside in St. Louis Missouri currently, Lived in California & Colorado.Husband.Father.Pastor.Football Enthusiast.Teacher.Learner.Dreamer.Reader.Friend. [thoughts & comments blogged here are my reflections living life trusting Jesus as God]

Monday, March 07, 2011

Leadership: Strength & Bravery


Judgets 1:16  The men answered: We’ll cross the Jordan River and help our relatives. We’ll fight anywhere you send us. 17-18 If the Lord our God will help you as he helped Moses, and if you are strong and brave, we will obey you as we obeyed Moses. We’ll even put to death anyone who rebels against you or refuses to obey you. CEV

Joshua was Moses successor.  In fact Numbers 11:28 tells us Joshua was with Moses since his youth.  Joshua observed Moses (good & bad) as a leader & Joshua was appointed by God to lead after Moses died.  Joshua was mentored by Moses.  Joshua was given a chance to serve with & under the umbrella of God's covenant with Moses & the children of Israel.

These verses REALLY stuck out to me because of all that previous information.

Joshua told the leaders of Israel to get read to go into battle, pack what you need for this battle because in 3 days we are gonna get this shin dig under way.  After the battle there will be a chance for all of you leaders to settle down with your families in the land God promised you.  The leaders response 
"17-18 If the Lord our God will help you as he helped Moses, and if you are strong and brave, we will obey you as we obeyed Moses. We’ll even put to death anyone who rebels against you or refuses to obey you"

This phrase stuck out to me big time--The leaders were willing to follow Joshua as they see God help him as God helped Moses.  But throwing the "if you are strong & brave" in there cracked me up.  I read it as "Hey Joshua, you better not chicken out or turn coward cause if so, we'll peace out & leave you to die!"
People want a leader who will LEAD!  Not passively, not gingerly, not like a fairy prancing on the water...but a leader who will be strong & brave when needs arise.

I don't read this as "you gotta be macho, have bravado & be a MAN'S MAN" but I do see truth in the fact that when certain situations arise you need to address them with strength & bravery.
A Physical Strength, Spiritual Strength, Emotional Strength and Mental Strength.  Brave to ask the hard questions, right questions, make hard decisions, brave enough to stick by the decision when people are against you, brave to live with conviction despite what others say or think about you.
All of this is framed by listening to God & following his leading.

Self Evaluation/Questions:
Do I lead in a way that shows people strength & bravery that comes from following Christ?
Do I ask other leaders to lead with me?
Do I show people I can lead because my life shows I spend time with Jesus?
Do I lean on other leaders & claim that as leadership or do I truly lead because of hearing God's voice?

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