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Who I amReside in St. Louis Missouri currently, Lived in California & Colorado.Husband.Father.Pastor.Football Enthusiast.Teacher.Learner.Dreamer.Reader.Friend. [thoughts & comments blogged here are my reflections living life trusting Jesus as God]

Friday, April 27, 2007

Thoughts on Prayer

So i am reading a book by Henri Nouwen, who is an amazing reflection type author, called With Open Hands.
It is an easy read about 125 pages but it is so deep about prayer. He draws the imagery of when we are closed fisted in our prayer we are guiding what WE want God's Spirit to really do. But as we release fear, we calm ourselves & we actually open our hearts we have an open hand, a loose grip if you will, on our lives.

It has been a great reminder that no matter where we are at in life we are not in control. That when we pray it is not a personal check list of this is what WILL happen, but more of a conversation with God saying, "I am willing to reprioritize my wants into your direction for my life."

I have been seeing God really open my heart in some areas through the meditation/reflection thoughts the book has you think about. Today the thought of "life is moving, am I being noticed?" kept entrenching my thoughts. Does my life/faith get noticed outside my youth ministry gig? Do my kids see a dad that loves being a follower of Christ? Does my wife see a man willing to guide his marriage and family where Christ wants it to go? Do my neighbors see my integrity and love for them? Does the guy who cuts my hair get to know someone cares about him that doesn't even really know him?

It has been a great gut check for me and would encourage you to grab the book for yourself. Another book on prayer that i have enjoyed is by the late Kyle Lake called reUnderstanding Prayer

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