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Who I amReside in St. Louis Missouri currently, Lived in California & Colorado.Husband.Father.Pastor.Football Enthusiast.Teacher.Learner.Dreamer.Reader.Friend. [thoughts & comments blogged here are my reflections living life trusting Jesus as God]

Friday, October 14, 2011

What I've Learned About How I am Learning...

Lately I've been challenging myself to wrestle with what I am learning & how I am retaining it.  Regardless of my learning tool being a book, podcast, online article, conversation with someone, etc. I am pushing myself to engage deeper with life with more thorough learnings.

I've always loved to learn and this exercise has been fun but I've seen a couple things seem to work well for me;

1- Write down key thoughts or statements from conversation and revisit them within a few hours of the conversation.  Think about them, repeat them out loud and even be a devil's advocate to the situation in how I question the incident or setting.

2- Re-read what left an initial impression.  When I read something & think "oooo that's good" then I've always underlined it and have always had a good retention to know where certain things are at in certain books.  But lately I'll re-read my last notes from the last time I read before I start a new chapter or section. Yes this is more time consuming but I've also noticed that I keep thinking about these key thoughts longer & put them into practice.

3- Create trial experiments & situations.  Part of this is what I am focussing on with what I am reading but I am trying to implement ideas, principles or even theological statements into life immediately to wrestle with them.

4- Find safe people to "talk out loud" with.  Learning alone with nobody to share things with is lame.  I've been able to bounce ideas off these friends knowing they might not agree with me, but their questions will help me process what is going on inside of me.

Feel free to comment with your thoughts about any of this especially if something I've listed here helps you as you grow.  Hey encouragement is nice to spread around & share people :)

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