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Who I amReside in St. Louis Missouri currently, Lived in California & Colorado.Husband.Father.Pastor.Football Enthusiast.Teacher.Learner.Dreamer.Reader.Friend. [thoughts & comments blogged here are my reflections living life trusting Jesus as God]

Monday, March 14, 2011

God is ALWAYS...that'll frame your theology

Often I get hung up on a statement that messes with me.  It messes with me by showing up everywhere in conversations, situations & even my readings.  I honestly can't unpack, in a blog post, all that this statement has been doing for me lately, but I am going to try to draw some highlights off this statement.

  • John 1:1--God has ALWAYS existed.  That statement alone trips me out.  We live in world that every 9 months a new technological devise emerges that can help alter life for people.  The old devise becomes obsolete & you can't even get %50 of what you bought for by selling it online.  God never gets old, God doesn't age, God doesn't need a new model to stay fresh.  God is ALWAYS God.
  • God is ALWAYS present.  No matter what I am doing, saying, acting a part matters to God because he is present.  He is present because of the Holy Spirit which lives in my Soul & he is present because of His Spirit nature.  Now this is theology 101, but it needs to be a fresh reminder for us.  God's presence in our lives is ALWAYS.
  • God is ALWAYS moving.  Our faith is clung to the truth that God is constantly renewing us.  Redeeming the world to Himself.  From the time of Rescue through Moses in Egypt, through the whole Old Testament, to Jesus coming in NT & the body of Christ being active in healing of people today.  God is ALWAYS moving in peoples lives.

God is ALWAYS.  This post may seem subtle, simple and even 'mundane' but for me this truth has been a good way I've been getting messed with lately.  The simple truth has been a great reminder for my soul as well as my cranial thinkings.

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