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Who I amReside in St. Louis Missouri currently, Lived in California & Colorado.Husband.Father.Pastor.Football Enthusiast.Teacher.Learner.Dreamer.Reader.Friend. [thoughts & comments blogged here are my reflections living life trusting Jesus as God]

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Youth Service Evaluation

For the past 3 weeks we have held our youth gatherings on the front lawn of our church while the student ministry facility has been getting gutted for a remodel.
The atmosphere has been different, but a good different. Experiencing change and exposing students to something different has been a value of mine and not just cause you can, but to help them see that worshiping God is a lifestyle not based on a location.

The three weeks has been enjoyable, except for the humidity. The weather has been a little warm, but students have stuck with it like troopers. We added an OLYMPIC element in terms of games. With the OLYMPICS approaching we have done some spoofs of OLYMPIC events and it has gone over well, especially our Egg-nastics!

The downside of this has been the music. It seems that the students are absolutely fine with just sitting in their chairs during the worship through music. It has been hard to watch & experience cause it feels that we were making some improvements in their understanding of why we have musical aspect of our gatherings. As of now most of our students see the musical side of our gatherings as a filler to talk through. So this means that we may do a radical thing in the near future once we finish the remodel and remove music from our every week gathering until we have a team that can truly worship & lead.

We have had various people communicate and will have for the next few weeks. I know many students have enjoyed this as well as i have with being able to just hang with the students as well as focus my weekly energies on other dynamics that our ministries really need addressed.

So with all that here is my evaluation of the past 3 weeks...

Student Attendance: Below Average (normal for summer for what past years show)
Student Interaction: Average
Fun Factor: Above Average
Atmosphere: Average (the funny guy who drives by swearing out his window really helps this)
Message(s): Above Average
Student Response: Above Average
Leader Involvement: Above Average

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